Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So here we are, on the second day of the Prop 8 court case in California. Between all of the turmoil over the right to same-sex marriage, and the rising numbers of anti-gay violence, I find myself wondering. What does it matter to straight folks if gay people want to get married? How would that affect straight peoples' lives in any way whatsoever? Why does the religious world feel the need to dump millions of dollars into putting a stop to the homosexual "shenanigans?" I have a feeling that allowing gay people to marry, and to enjoy the benefits of such a union, would have no affect at all in the lives of the straight community. The world will not tilt on its axis, throwing the world into chaos, or any other doomsday prophecy. Everybody wants peace in the world, as long as the world conforms to their way of living and believing. Is THAT what it's going to take to get people to get along? A society of the exact same person, with the exact same beliefs, making the same amount of pay in the same exact job, etc etc? What a world that would be...
I know this sounds only SLIGHTLY pessimistic haha, but am I completely wrong here? Let me know what you think about the current state of things!

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